March 18, 2019

International Women's Day

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As well as providing accommodation, food, clothing and medical care NBW services include access to counselling, supporting life skills and providing education with a view to enabling future employment. With this support 90% of residents transition back into the community successfully and sustainably. The shelter accommodates up to ten women at any one time, plus an additional three women in transition, undertaking the back-to-community accommodation program. The shelter staff consists of one full-time senior Shelter Manager, supported by a business & communications manager, and a roster of full-time and part-time trained support workers who provide on-site assistance 24/7. As a not-for-profit, charitable organisation, the shelter relies heavily on the time, talent and heart of its wonderful volunteers and community networks. You can tell who the strong Women are. They are the ones that boost each other up not tear each other down.

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