October 01, 2017
At home with Pony Rider
What does home mean to you? Home means a place to unwind and relax, a place to raise your kids and be inspired by your surroundings. A place to inspire, delight, entertain your dearest and to rest.
Where do you look for inspiration when designing for Pony Rider? I don’t look anywhere but I see everywhere. Something needs to humour me or show me a space that it’s needed. I don’t care for creating everyday things for everyday spaces, I am only concerned with what is missing and if it will add value. Everything has to mean something to me otherwise I have no connection with it.
What can’t you live without at home? I can’t live without my family. I am not a lone ranger, I am more of a pack animal. I can always live without objects, they don’t mean that much to me unless I found them on my travels. You recently renovated your original beach cottage.
What advice can you give to anyone else about to embark on a house renovation? We tried to hold onto as much heritage as possible and in fact I wish I’d held onto more. It’s a funny thing when you renovate. You scour through pages of pinterest in a blind panic hoping you see every kitchen set up layout in case you miss something that is awesome and you have to have it. When deep down you know what it is you like and all you need to do is sit down and start sketching. Trust your gut and go out and hunt objects you like and take them home. That makes it your home.
How would you spend your “perfect” day? Perfect day is spent in the garden planting plants. There is something incredibly satisfying about making things and watching things grow. Favourite scent? I like the posy scent, reminds me of being a child in my grandma’s flower garden. www.ponyrider.com.au